Tuesday, October 12, 2010

8 years

Eight years ago I came to a fork in the road.
Only it wasn't my choice of which way to go.

I now am on the path without a mom.
You know how you hear how if you want to get pregnant all you see are pregnant people? Well, when you don't have the mom that you were very close too it and you are shopping by yourself, it seems like everyone is shopping with their mom. Old people with their even older moms teetering down the aisles, a young man trying to find cookware for his new place and his mom telling him that one was a piece of junk, a young woman with her mom and her baby browsing the childrens books. And then I remember that I have memories of my own with my mom, memories that not everyone has gotten to experience and I smile and keep moving down my own path.


  1. Hmmmm. We all find that way to turn crap to positive memories. I was privileged to have Helen for my sister, and she was so very special. I still stand in amazement at the things she could tackle. Never under estimate a Montana Dairy Farmer's daughter. Love to Helen and to you...I am smiling at your tribute to the journey you have taken...good job.

  2. Thanks,Tanya for the wise words. When I think of
    Helen I always picture her standing in the doorway of our house on Dec 1st, 1954. It was her birthday and her present was a baby brother.
    I don't think she was too impressed as her mom wasn't there for her birthday party. Aunt Marge came to the rescue and had a party at her house. That is just one of the many, many great memories I have & treasure of my baby sister &
    the great friend she was. Love you!
    Aunt Ginny

  3. Thanks--it's a blessing to have my fabulous aunts!

  4. We are a blessing. You are the daughter I never had...and such an adventure you are taking me. You are more precious than gold and I stand in total amazement as you raise three fantastic kids and enjoy you hubby and the life you share. Blessings to you and yours. JC
