Tuesday, September 7, 2010

favorite -- Clay quote

The other day Annie and I decided to make shortbread. Annie was going to run into Albertsons to get the supplies and a few other things. "Butter" I told her about 5 times, "make sure the package says butter on it".
When we got home I opened the package and saw the packages that said indicated the contents were 'spread'.
"Annie, I told you butter!" I heaved a sigh. She said that she thought it was all the same. (this from the child who didn't know what a cigarette lighter in a car was). Annie was upset, I told her it was fine and we would make it work.
Clay witnessed this exchange and then went to get another bag from the car. When he came back in he had a funny look on his face and said "mom, I bet I know what Annie is thinking".
"What?" I said, annoyed.
"I can't believe it's not butter" he said.
I almost died right there in the kitchen. Annie was not so amused.

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