Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ken becomes a convert

Ken has been supportive through my quitting my job and all the hare-brained ideas I have to make money, but today Ken may have caught the reselling bug.

We were killing some time at Goodwill, where I have been pretty lucky finding things to sell, when out of the corner of my eye I see Ken with a big grin on his face walking up to me.

In his hand he held an Oberon leather day timer.

Ken is knew it was worth something because this is the same brand as my Kindle cover he bought for me last Christmas.

I practically ripped it out of his hand to look at the price, turning it over I saw the yellow sticker that said .99 cents. I about fainted. Yeah Ken! This baby new is $80!! We are sure to make some money :)

I told him that he was my new Goodwill shopping partner, so he may live to regret his find, but for now anyway we both felt lucky.

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