Monday, August 23, 2010

Podcast I love

I spend a lot of time in the car. The car and I have a very long and lasting relationship. Just the other day I made 4 trips to town and back. #1 drop the kids off, #2 Ken and I went out and ate, #3 pick the kids up, #4 go to work. It would have been 5 trips but I chose to sit in the school parking lot and wait instead of drive home and drop off one child and then go back and get the other since they got done at different times. Total time in the car that day including the sitting and waiting part?--about 4 1/2 hours. I am not kidding.
The best part about being in the car so much? PODCASTS!!
I love them; I listen to a Disney World one, a travel one, a history one, a NPR one, and a couple book ones. I only listen to them when I am alone in the car otherwise I find myself telling everyone to be quiet so I can hear the podcast. Children do not take kindly over me essentially telling them I want to hear a stranger talk about Disney World over their minute by minute stories of band camp. But I digress.

My Favorite book podcast is Books on the Nightstand.

The format consists of 2 reps from Random House talking about books they love, books they can't wait for the listeners to read, and other bookie type news.
I am not sure if they only talk about Random House books but regardless I love the format and get many ideas for books to read.
Their reviews of books I sometimes disagree with and I get the feeling they do not love the whole ebook topic but overall I really enjoy the discussion.
The podcasts are released weekly and are usually around thirty minutes long.
If you don't have a mp3 player you can also listen to the podcast from your computer. Do yourself a favor and check it out, it makes those long drives and wait times fly by.
omgomgomg!! check out the comments people...One of the podcasters, Michael Kindness, left a comment! (((fanning myself)) now that does it, you have REALLY got to check out the podcast, get to clicking!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Tanya (and Tami!)

    to answer a couple of your questions, we don't only review RH titles, though that is the bulk of what we have time to read. Occasionally our schedule allows us to branch out and if we love it, we'll talk about it!

    Regarding ebooks. Neither Ann nor I love reading ebooks, but we definitely know that you can't talk about the future of books without having that discussion. We'll keep ruminating on them and we love to hear what all of you think.

    Thanks so much for listening and writing about us!
